Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Top 10 most useful concepts of Physics!

The Top ten most useful concepts of physics!
 1. The first most useful concept of physics would be Newton’s first law. Newton’s first law states that an object in motion will stay in motion or an object at rest will stay at rest unless a force causes it to change. This is also known as the law of inertia. This concept is important regarding car safety. Cars are now designed based on this law in the case of an accident. Manufactures look at the law of inertia and design airbags, seatbelts, and headrests to protect us from getting injured. If a car is at rest at a stoplight, everything in the car is at rest as well. If a car were to rear end it, the car would move forward, but everything in the car would want to stay where it is. For example, our heads, if there were no headrests that would force out heads into motion along with the car, our heads would snap off. Because of Newton’s first law, scientists know this and are able to prevent that. Newton’s first law is extremely useful in that it helps save lives by providing scientists the knowledge to prevent certain fatal injuries.

 2. Acceleration is an extremely useful concept of physics. In fact, racecar drivers to win races use acceleration. A racecar driver wins a race by driving a set distance in the shortest amount of time going the fastest highest velocity. The common person may think that a racecar driver wins a race just by driving fast, however, a racecar driver wins not just because of his speed, but because of how fast he is speeding up. This is the physics concept of acceleration. a. Acceleration = change in velocity / time. While racecar drivers measure their speed in miles per hour, in the world of physics, we measure speed in meters per second. In order for a racecar driver to win a race the physics concept of acceleration is vital to know.

 3. Another useful concept would be objects falling through air. The army uses this concept to drop supplies from airplanes to specific spots. Because of physics we can know how long and how far something will fall based on how high it is dropped from, what speed it is dropped at, and how great the air resistance is. This concept is extremely useful for the army because they are able to make precise drops of soldiers, supplies, and bombs with this knowledge.

 4. Centripetal Force! Lacrosse and roller coasters. Two very popular things in America are lacrosse and roller coasters. But what do these two things have in common? They both rely on the physical concept of centrifugal force. When an object is inside of something experiencing centripetal force, (any force directed toward a fixed center) that object is experiencing centrifugal force, an apparent outward force. It is helpful to know that Centrifugal means “center-fleeing”. For example, when you put an object in a can and spin that can around by a string, you will find that the object will remain in the can at all times. So what does this have to do with lacrosse and roller coasters? Well, lacrosse uses centrifugal force to keep the ball in the net pocket of the lacrosse stick. In order to do this, lacrosse plays move their stick in a back and forth motion called cradling. Cradling causes a centripetal force sensation causing the ball to experience centrifugal force and stay in the net of the lacrosse stick. Similarly, roller coasters rely on centrifugal force to keep people in their seats. For example, when a roller coaster goes around a loop, the people on the roller coaster experience a centrifugal force and are rooted in their seat throughout the loop. Centrifugal force is a key factor in having fun, it allows us to play sports as well as allows us to enjoy ourselves on roller coasters in amusement parks!

 5. Simple Machines, I.E. Ramps A ramp is a simple machine that makes things easier for us. Because of physics concepts, we know that the work we put into a ramp = the amount of work we get out of it (work = force X distance). The main principle that allows us to know this is the conservation of energy. The law of conservation of energy states that: Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it may be transformed from one form into another, but the total amount of energy never changes. Because we know that the work input and output are going to equal each other we know that the product of the input force and distance must equal the output force and distance. However, the input force does not need to equal the output force, just the product of the force along with the distance. (force X distance) input = (force X distance) output. Knowing this, a ramp allows us to use less force by working over a greater distance. (f X D) = (F X d)! For example: If you had a 40kg box and needed to lift it 3 ft, you could grab a 4ft long board and slide the box up it. Lifting the box would be 120 joules of work, and so would sliding it, however with the increased distance you would be required to exert less force in order to get it to the same point that lifting it would. A ramp is only one example of a simple machine designed to make out lives easier.

 6. One very useful concept of physics is rotational inertia. Rotational inertia is the property of an object to resist changes in its rotational state of motion. For example, a meter stick with a weight taped to the top is going to fall down slower then a meter stick without the weight. The stick with the weight was resisting the change more then the meter stick without the weight. So how is this useful? Baseball players appreciate this concept because with this knowledge, they know that it is easier to swing a shorter baseball bat then it is to swing a longer one. Being able to swing the bat faster allows players to hit the ball harder and overall improve their athletic performance. Similarly, rotational inertia is helpful for bikers as well. Bike wheels with a low rotational inertia are going to spin faster then opposed to larger ones. So a biker would want to get wheels with less mass on the circumference in order to bike faster and win. Along with bikers and baseball players, rotational inertia is important for runners. Runners with long legs are able to go slower with a larger stride, but runners with shorter legs are able to move them quicker but with smaller strides. The whole reason that runners bend their legs is because of rotational inertia. Imagine running with your legs straight! Physics concepts, as you can see, are very much so used in sports!

 7. One vital concept within physics is the knowledge of capacitors. Because of capacitors we have defibrillator and are able to save lives. When a person dies, their heart stops. Scientists have discovered that sending a charge through a stopped heart can sometimes restart it. In order to do this doctors use a machine called a defibrillator. A defibrillator basically builds up a large amount of charge in an incomplete circuit. When the two defibrillator paddles touch the body the circuit is completed and a charge is sent through the body, hopefully restarting their heart. This is the concept in a capacitor, which also causes the flash on cameras. In a camera there are two plates and there is a large amount of opposite charges built up on each plate. The circuit between the two plates is completed for a split second and a flash of light is released. Because of physics we are able to save lives and take good pictures!

 8. Current, -> light bulbs Because of the physics concept of current we now have the ability to light up light bulbs. Light bulbs are lit when current is flowing through its filament. Current only flows when there is an electric potential difference. For example, in a battery, one side may have a certain voltage, but in order for the current to flow, the other side must have a different voltage. In order for a current to flow up into a light bulb a circuit must be completed. This means that a conductor needs to make a full loop so that the current can flow through it. A conductor is something that allows current to flow through it. In the context of light bulbs there will always be a metal wire of some sort that conducts the current. Due to the physics concept of current we can light up light bulbs and have light inside of our homes!

 9. magnetism, compasses, used to find our way
 An extremely important use of physics would be compasses. With compasses we know which direction is north, south, east, and west. With this information we are able to find our way around with a good sense of direction and are able to locate things. A compass is just a free piece of metal that aligns with the Earth’s magnetic field. The earth has a magnetic field flowing through it from south to north. The flow comes out and around the earth back into the south side only to flow north again. Our geometric North is the magnetic south and vise versa. This is because on the surface of the earth we pick up the direction of the magnetic field as the south is flowing back up in order to re enter the earth and continue to flow to the north. Because of this magnetic concept, we are able to write maps, find our way when we are lost, and have a good sense of direction.

 10. Newton’s second law of motion, skydiving
 Skydiving is a sport where people fall out of a plane and float back to the ground by a parachute. Thanks to physics this entire sport is possible. Newton’s second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object, is in the direction of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Mathematically this looks like: Acceleration ~ net force / mass. Skydivers are falling through air. For this there is a net force acting up on the person while gravity is still pulling them down. If you subtract these two quantities you come up with the net force. Take this number and divide it by the mass of the skydiver and you have his rate of acceleration. Because the diver is falling through air he will not exceed a certain speed, eventually he will reach terminal velocity. However, at some point the skydiver will open up his parachute. Doing this increases his surface area and therefore he increases the amount of air resistance on him. This is going to slow him down, eventually with his deployed parachute he will reach a terminal velocity at a speed that allows him to safely land on the ground.

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